Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Great Snowpocalypse

I'm making fun of the media in Kansas. While it was a rather remarkable blizzard and nearly every person reading this was affected by it, I was secretly entertained by the TV and radio. The way they forecasted, it was to be the end of civilization. I'm sure people in Wisconsin are rolling their eyes at our "blizzard". Meanwhile, Atlanta gets 1/2 inch of snow the the city shuts down. It's all relative. The worst part was the kids missing 3 days of school and Phil and I missing 2 days of work. That's ALOT of family time indoors.

Well here's how the FFF coped in Shawnee, Kansas:

During it's worst; it was beautiful to watch. Remember, I'm the Severe Weather Girl.

From Ethan's window

From my bedroom window. You couldn't even see the timber line or Johnson Drive.

I have a tremendous recommendation for passing time. I found these 3-D wooden puzzles at Michael's. They take about an hour+ each and we did three. Sheridan did a shark and....

This really cool skeleton that is anatomically correct. We reviewed bone names as we put it together.

Ethan's was the hardest - a train. To assemble these you had to punch out about 50 - 60 pieces, sand them, then they give you a sort-of diagram that basically instructs you to 'figure it out on your own.'

The next morning: I think on average we got just under a foot, as you can see our lawn chairs were buried to the seats. We did have some 2+ foot drifts that covered are deck entirely and blocked our garages.

There was a cool blowing-snow pattern

Don't be fooled, it was only 10 degrees here. But at least it was bright and sunny.

Happy winter everyone! Appreciate each season for what it is.

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