Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Blues

FrickFamilyFive has created, painted, watched, Wii'd, computed, chased, wrestled, and coughed recently. And there's been a little squabbling too. We are in the heart of winter and Phil and I are constantly coming up with things to do to keep everyone balanced and somewhat happy. Since January 1st a child or parent has been sick and coughing all night; and we've had lots of snow, effectively sealing us in our home. I think I've about reached my limit. But we do have outings planned, slumber parties, and a Super Bowl Party (for me its all about socializing).

In the meantime I have been experimenting with my telephoto lens. This is great because I can peek out my back door and take pictures a long way away!

Ev looks bored doesn't he? He actually was quite happy about his little safe laundry basket that he stays in most of the morning. Sweet. Great Wolf Lodge trip is in a few weeks - will post pics then!

1 comment:

  1. You and Phil do such a good job of keeping everyone entertained during the long, long winter. Send some of your ideas our way!
