Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Candy Day at Deb's

I know you've all been dying to hear about candy day. Ha. OK, most of you don't even know we do it, but let me educate you. Grandma Bettye (the lovely lady on the left) started the tradition in 1966 - she did it by herself while her mother washed all the dishes. After several years the daughter and daughter-in-law got coerced (Mom and Aunt Debbie), then they had daughters (Amy, Carrie, and Jaylene) who were also coerced. Also the sons got married and now the sisters-in-law are involved by no choice of their own - the Queens apparently needed more Workers to slave over the tedious task of dipping. I digress. Now I have a daughter (Sheridan) who started helping last year. Fourth generation candy-makers! Move over Russell Stover!

Anyway, Aunt Debbie and Mom decided that a hierarchy was in order - she divided us into "Queen Bees" and "Worker Bees". Here's how it works: the Queen Bees (Grandma, Mom, and Deb) stand around and direct kitchen traffic, test consistency, and manage quality control. The Worker Bees do everything else. HA! That's how the Queens would like it but there are more Workers, and if we go on strike, they have to do the dipping....the lowliest job in the kitchen. By the way, gold trim on the apron labels you a Queen, red is Worker. I tried to switch this year, being the eldest grandchild, but got caught and was handed back the red. :)

This is WAY too long but fun to type at any rate. Here are pictures....

Cammy helping me crush pretzels for pretzel bark, one of my favorites this year.

Sheridan felt bad for Debbie's horses and gave them apples and horse cookies. I love her outfit!

Worker Bees dipping. The smiles are fake.

Mom and Deb gave in at the very end of the day and helped dip pretzels.

The children, boyfriends, and husbands just meander around all day, playing with toys, playing cards, and hoping to sneak several peanut butter balls when no one's watching.

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