Monday, April 25, 2011

Finally Coming Around

It felt like Spring was a little slow coming around this year. But suddenly Mother Nature hopped in her GT 500, stomped on the gas, and came screaming into KC with Carbotechs a-blazing and Dunlop Star Specs screeching (that's for you dear). Point is, a few days were over 90... in early April? Nonsense. But it happened, so there was a lot of outdoor activity THANK GOD.

Kite-flying with Emelie, who is part Swedish. Can't you tell?

I caught a blue-tailed lizard, properly called a blue-tailed skink. As you can see it dropped its tail in alarm, but I swear the tail was already off when I lifted the rock and saw him. We put him in our habitat, fed him bugs and and water, then let him go several days later, healthy as could be. Evan couldn't say "lizard", so he called him "wizard". And thus we had a dear friend named Wizard the lizard.

Evan adores following Phil around with his plastic lawn mower. And Ethan follows close behind. They just drive right behind him, concentrating on staying in the lines and wondering at their various mechanical toys.

Sheridan loves my bleeding hearts that came up this year.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding Mother Nature metaphor. If I had any gear-related metaphors in my own repertoire, I would use one to describe the awesomeness of yours. As it is, bravo. The lawnmower pictures were fantastic, too.
