These were the two things I thought would occupy most of my spring - planting flowers and potty-training my last child, who has just crept past 2 1/2. I say "were" because it would seem I no longer have to deal with potty training much. To my intense surprise (and I may be celebrating early here) Evan potty trained in just a few days. Sheridan was mildly difficult, Ethan was a very frustrating three before it clicked for him. So is it actually possible that I have one of those mythical creatures that potty trains over the weekend? Boy wouldn't that be great. Now, to clarify, he still doesn't tell me when he needs to go. I am taking him every hour or so. But he never argues, he just chants, "Potty time, potty time!" and then he just goes. For the most part he stays dry throughout the day and overnight. Now put down your hackles mothers of 2-year olds who still are wetting! He isn't completely there, but I consider it a massive accomplishment on his part. I'm sure there will be some back-tracking, and that's OK. We started Friday morning, he had it down by Friday night, and that's more than plenty to keep me happy....for now.
OK! Out to the garden to plant today! My radishes, lettuce, Swiss chard, and spinach are all up. I have new asparagus tips just poking through. I am going to plant my pansies (they can take a little frost) and some other frost-hardy annuals. AND I am so excited because I bought a magnolia tree yesterday - I've been wanting one for years! I lost a few rose shrubs over the winter as well, so will be replacing those eventually. Ahhhhhh....gardening season is here and I feel rejuvenated!
I'm so envious of your magnolia! I love them and they grow like crazy here. It's just talking my husband into it... Can't wait to see pictures!