Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall So Far!

This is a hodge-podge of stuff we have done so far this fall. Halloweening activities to come!
We have had Cam over to spend the night a few times and the boys just have such a good time. Here they all are on their various battery-sucking toys. Evan is the best driver of them all, honest to God. Thank goodness for Jon and Taylor's house-building materials...we have boards and rock piles galore!

Oh my gosh, he is actually trying to run down this random cat in our driveway. You should have seen the look on his face!


Grandpa Tracy is looking good at 61!

A rite of passage in the Kramer family is to ride in the back of the truck - dust, wind, and all.

That truck-ride ended in a pumpkin patch outside of Wellsville at the Taylor farm.

Ugh. No rain for 2 months. Very dirty.

Quick picture of Ethan and friends at his 7th birthday party. They were hanging out up in the playhouse.

Kerby Farm near Bonner Springs. We had great weather!

Carrie and Cammy came with us this year. Cam was obsessed with all the tractors and even got a ride with a driver!

Sher is still all things horses. Even lasso-ing wooden livestock from a wooden horse. :)

Our cutie boys on the little tractor ride.

He liked this pumpkin because it had a good 'handle'.

1 comment:

  1. Love the tongue hanging out while he is holding the handle. :) Looks like fun and I'm jealous of the real pumpkin patch! We tried a new one this year and it was a corn field with pumpkins laying around. Love the REAL pumpkin patch!
