Whew! Seven? Really? In many ways Ethan acts about 12; yet others reveal him to function on Evan's level at times. Particularly when it comes to sharing his prized cars with said preschooler, and pestering his older sister nearly to death. I am told this is normal for a 1st grade boy. We love him like crazy anyway! Happy Birthday Buddy!
**an aside to posting: Evan has jammed something tiny in the little slot where I insert my camera card to download pictures. Until it is removed I'm afraid there will be no pictures. But alas! I will request that Phil kindly oblige to retrieve the wee blaggard (item, not Evan) so I may continue my writing forthwith. (It's early and I've been reading Jane Austen).
He got a camera from Grammy and Grandpa Tracy and is now number-junkie-turned-photographer.
His beloved annual KU sweatshirt from Christe and Todd!
Sher, Kate, and Reed watching the present-opening. Kate and Reed will be SIX on the 18th!
This month was also Taylor's and mine birthdays (grammar?) Happy Birthday Tay!
*By the way, Ethan told me he wanted "nonfiction" books for his birthday. He had recently read a kid-friendly 'Titanic' and wanted more like that. Juju and Grandpa Phil got him those books and one is about what life was like 100 years ago in America. He loves it! He marks pages with sticky notes if he stumbles over a hard word or idea and then has us go over it later. I marvel at his creativity sometimes. Anyway, thanks Juju and Grandpa Phil, good choices!
Happy birthday sweet boy! And good for you Momma for reading the classics. All my brain can handle right now is OMG! on Yahoo! Sad.